About Outstrip Endurance

Outstrip Endurance is shared by two passionate indivudals, Paul Duncan and Angela Naeth who share their love of endurance sports. Outstrip Endurance provides online coaching and consulting. It's about building a community with other athletes in your area that want to train and race in triathlon, running and other endurance sports.

Their philosophy is based on both their experience and Angela's current and past coaches.

The name Oustrip Endurance was inspired by the very meaning of Outstrip.
outstrip [ˌaʊtˈstrɪp]
vb -strips, -stripping, -stripped (tr)
1. to surpass in a sphere of activity, competition, etc.
2. to be or grow greater than
3. to go faster than and leave behind

And to achieve this, it's about the process: the right training, recovery and mental attitude. It's about today and making today count.

"The only limits we have our the limits we put on ourselves"

Feel free to send any questions or comments via the contact form.